
Download Free VST instruments

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DSK Asian DreamZ

January 25th, 2012Romplers (real instruments) Virtual Instruments196 Comments »

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Features and download:

– 7 Asian Instruments (Pipa, Pipa tremolo, Luan, Guzhen, Erhu,
Ban di, Percussion kit)
– Velocity response
– Amp. envelope and micro-detuner
– HP/LP Filter
– Midi automation



  1. MidSkar says:

    All instruments are awesome. How made this… Many thanks for sharing it..!!

  2. I used this in one of my beats called time is money and a couple others. I really like this particular instrument. It has such a real sound to it… and crisp mix.

  3. DSK Music says:

    You can get the HQ Instruments, in sf2 or Kontakt format… They includes all sounds from my instruments 😉

  4. David says:

    I wish this were on Mac OSX. I have been looking for something like this for so long. I am so happy someone made this…Now only if I could use it.

  5. Bümdoser says:

    i liked brass very much and seeing the rest i wanna try make a song with only using your instruments and my own voice
