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DSK Darkness Theory 3

January 25th, 2012Synths Virtual Instruments37 Comments »

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Features and download:

– Ambient textures and pads
– 3 advanced OSC whit 72 waveforms
– octave and pan selector
– Amp. envelope and micro-detuner
– 3 HP/LP advanced pole Filter
– 3 LFO whit output routing
– Midi automation
– Velocity response
– +32 presets



  1. Ellusio says:

    For real , DSK makes quality vst for free . Just think about it . I always use Overture on my Orchestral parts (Violins and stuff) and it has quality presets and stuff . Well for a FREE vst . DSK IS THE BEST FOR MAKING FREE VST’S respect guys from DSK , love you so much , thank you for the great vsts . Looking forward for some new amazing stuff !

  2. Leo Molina says:

    This is my first time downloading your website’s plugins. I’m planning on doing good with them.

  3. Leo Molina says:

    Great sounds keep ’em coming make them fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  4. begoo says:

    like this

  5. Nyiri Roland says:


  6. peter says:

